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Understand your Self. Unlock your Compassion. Unleash your Potential.

Organisational Psychology & Leadership Coaching Services

Overwhelmed by change?

Heart@Work can help.

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  • Are you faced with more and more complex problems to solve in your business?

  • Have you wondered what would happen if you looked at things differently? But you’re not sure how?

  • What if there was a way to look at things from a new perspective and make changes that allow you to enjoy your work and find success as a leader?

  • Do you want to build a high-performing, agile workforce - renowned for not only your positivity, but also your productivity?

  • What if you could build a better business, and at the same time create a better future for our world?

You’re in the right place

Heart@Work can help you transform your organisation so profoundly that you will not only see improved business success and productivity, but also the creation of a thriving positive culture in your business.  

Heart@Work’s Services

Watercolour koi fish that symbolise change and transformation.

Change & Transformation

+Creating the future

Organisational change and transformation are essential for successful and sustainable business. Whilst both are rarely easy, they are fundamentally different and often confused.

Change fixes the past. Transformation creates the future. A better caterpillar is a change; a butterfly is a transformation.

We understand these fundamental differences. And, that organisations don’t change….people do. Whether you are executing a discrete change or seeking transformation, we’ll clarify your goals and support you to achieve them.

Change and transform with Heart@Work.

A watercolour butterfly that represents how tiny micro-changes in a leader can impact the entire organisation.


+Strengthening leadership

Getting the best out of people is a critical business skill. But these ‘soft’ skills can sometimes be ‘hard’ for leaders to enact, especially in today’s current context of unprecedented change.

Our coaching and leadership development services help leaders change their behaviour to get the best out of themselves and the people they lead.

Subtle changes can be transformational, like the butterfly effect, where the cause of a tornado can be traced back to the tiny flap of a butterfly's wing.

Lead with Heart@Work.

A watercolour flock of geese representative of a leadership team - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


+Building a united front

A united team can deliver greatness. A divided team will rarely, if ever, deliver the results you want. It’s not enough to call a group of people a team. They need to be a team.

We know what it takes to turn a group of people into a team. One that delivers results beyond the collective capability of the individuals. Whether you are a leadership team, a sports team, or a Board looking to improve your effectiveness, our team development and group coaching programs will make your team-work.

Build your team with Heart@Work.

A planet that represents a high level perspective on situations, just like a facilitator.


+Bringing insight and objectivity

Sometimes, it’s hard to get the perspective you need to work out what you can do differently. We’ve all been in group sessions that feel like we are on a merry-go-round and unable to get off.

We’re objective. We get results. Our facilitation services range from strategic planning to enabling dialogue in sensitive work scenarios.

Be objective with Heart@Work.

A watercolour boat that represents recruitment and selection and getting the right fit for your crew.


+Getting the right people

It is one thing to get candidates. It's another skill altogether to get the right person to compliment your crew - especially when you’re drowning in resumes.

We help you make informed decisions. We assess who you’re dealing with, and who’s the best fit for your team. Whether you are recruiting for a senior role or looking to identify high potential leaders, we use the best science to get the people you need.

Select with Heart@Work.

A watercolour snail shell that represents the integral spiral of adult development and growth.

Integral Solutions

+Growing holistically

We live in uncertain times, with more challenges than ever before. To thrive, your business must adapt and evolve. But where do you start?

Using integral psychology, we can help you to understand your business challenges using a holistic approach. Then, develop holistic solutions that are effective in overcoming them.

Whether it’s support for one aspect of your business or the whole spectrum of your work, together we’ll deliver better results.

Evolve your business with Heart@Work.


Why do we need an Organisational Psychologist? 

Organisational transformation is a complex process.

Organisation’s don’t change - people do. It is important that you are guided by an Organisational Psychologist and business coach. Organisational Psychologists apply a deep understanding of both human behaviour and organisational systems to improve individual, team and organisational performance, productivity, effectiveness and wellbeing.

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Adelaide based Heart@Work provides leadership development programs for your business. Professional services offered by Heart@Work include leadership coaching, using integral psychology to guide the process. Heart@Work is comfortable working with senior executives and boards as a change management consultant where needed.

Heart@Work uses integral psychology and vertical development processes to equip you and your team with everything you need to face the ever-increasing challenges presented by a complex and changing world. You will be equipped to respond to dynamic problems with agility, positivity and compassion.

Kristy Carter facilitating Workshop in Adelaide

People and Culture matter. 


It can make an enormous difference to a business’ success.

In fact, we know strategy can only get you so far. Heart@Work can show you how well-being and productivity can co-exist. A positive workplace culture, with good communication, career development and agile leadership is attainable.


Free Download

13-page Organisational Values Audit


Is your organisation living up to its values? Find out using this tool!

In 4 simple steps, you’ll learn:

  • How to uncover what is really valued in your organisation

  • The areas where you are ‘walking the walk’

  • The gaps between espoused values and lived experience

  • How to shape your organisational culture using an integral approach

A coffee cup symbolising development and vertical growth.

What is horizontal development, and why isn’t it enough? 

To succeed in the ever-changing world we live in, leaders need to grow. But it is so important to grow and expand in more than one dimension. When speaking of leadership development, people often use the analogy of the cup. Horizontal development is about filling the cup with skills and processes.

Horizontal development adds to the leaders’ skillsets. Leaders might develop improved communication skills, learn to manage risk, or broaden their knowledge on strategic planning. But there is a limit to the capacity of the cup.

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Vertical development is all about increasing the size of the cup - it is focused on increasing a leader’s capacity - not just providing them with more skills.

It helps leaders understand how their mindset shapes their behaviour. Vertical development changes the way a leader thinks. Leaders increase their ability to adapt, to collaborate, and to consciously shape their behaviour.

Heart@Work uses integral psychology, Executive Coaching and Growth Edge Interviews to help leaders transform themselves, and in doing so, increase their capacity to lead well.


You don’t need another static solution - you need a transformative evolution..


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