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Understand your Self. Unlock your Compassion. Unleash your Potential.

About Us

We believe people need heart@work.

Our world is changing every moment. Some changes we anticipate and others arise without warning. Amidst chaos and uncertainty, we need leaders who can handle anything. 

Leaders need to respond quickly, consider the wider impact of their decisions, and create a sense of confidence. Wise leaders are self-aware. They stay calm, centred, and conscious of how their leadership affects those around them. 


Heart@Work knows: 

  • The pace of change and challenges in our world are rapidly increasing, and the development of our leaders is struggling to keep up.

  • To lead effectively and wisely in today’s context, we need to develop in two ways.

  • We need leaders with expertise and integrity.

  • We need leaders who are competent and compassionate.

  • We need leaders who are not only effective, but also evolved.


Let Heart@work guide you as you transform your organisation & your success.


Why do you need Heart@Work?

Heart@Work focuses on Evolution.

Not just by creating opportunities for personal growth - but by creating a sustained and ongoing evolution of your business.

Many leadership development consultancies focus solely on horizontal development - establishing skills and technical competencies that are necessary to lead.

Vertical development expands our capacity to think in more complex and adaptive ways, and creates sustained shifts in a leader’s mindset. It integrates the mind, heart and body, and allows for a deeper connection with oneself and a more authentic connection with work. This improves wellbeing and allows individuals to thrive in the work environment - improving effectiveness and agility in the organisation. 


Heart@Work believes leaders need both horizontal and vertical development.

As individuals, as a society, and as a business, we all need heart.

Heart is what keeps us going – it’s what nurtures us and, ultimately, sustains us.

We believe that people need heart@work.

And, that heart@work can solve our toughest challenges.

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People with heart at work feel their best and do their best, for business and for society.

At Heart@Work we know how to select the right people and get the best from them. We know how to develop not just effective leaders, but wise leaders who can lead us towards a better future.

Our mission is to deliver results that not only help people and businesses thrive, but together with clients and the community, achieve an enduring future where people live peacefully and in harmony with the world around us.

In order to address our most complex situations, we have to learn to speak fluently two paradoxically different languages: the language of power and the language of love...Until we are able to exercise power and love together - to exercise power with love - we will never be able together to create new realities.
— Adam Kahane

Meet Kristy Carter, the founder of Heart@Work.

As an Organisational Psychologist for over 13 years I’ve worked with government agencies, multinational corporations, small business and boards. And regardless of the business type, size or industry, I see common issues arise in almost every workplace:

  • A high-stress environment often driven by pace and volume, rather than meaning and purpose.

  • Values and strategy that are often at odds with the lived experience.

  • People dilemmas that are seemingly ‘unsolvable’ and often avoided - whether it be a poor hire, dominant egos, or a toxic work culture.

  • Desire for change, but without change.

  • Programs intended to boost success - but usually with outdated solutions that are, at best, only partially effective in today’s context.

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Sound familiar?

What’s missing isn’t another process, poster, or plan…..

It’s heart!

As a psychologist, leaders have confided in me over and over again that they need a deeper, more purposeful connection with their work-life - one that enables them to leave a lasting legacy for their organisation, community, and our collective future.

Your employees are the heart of your business, and it is clear that the people who deliver the best results are the ones who feel fully engaged with purposeful work.

Heart@Work was created to help organisations get the best out of their people, and to help people find their heart@work.

As the principal consultant, I am supported by a passionate collective of experienced, like-minded, and committed professionals.

If you are looking for a modern, professional service to bring heart to your workplace and get the best out of your people, let's talk, we'd love to connect with you.


Our Team


“The whole is greater than the sum of its parts!” 

At Heart@Work, collaborative practice is central to the way we work, deliver services and evolve in line with our clients. This ensures a flexible, holistic and innovative approach to meeting client needs, and that we're able to scale our solutions to match the size and needs of the organisations we work with.

Our collaborative partnerships are with people who share our vision and values, and who bring complementary expertise to our clients:

Peter Follett, Collaborator with Heart@Work

Peter Follett

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Peter is a wise leadership and organisational development guru with an exceptional talent for developing practical and holistic solutions for teams and organisations. His approach is informed by Integral theory and he has more than 40 years of experience facilitating strategic, cultural and leadership development of corporates, NGOs and public sector enterprises, as well as industry-level strategic development.


  • Associate Diploma of Training
  • Graduate Diploma in Training & Development
  • Graduate Certificate in Industrial and Organisational Psychology
  • Graduate Diploma in Business Administration
Dr John Wood, Psychologist & Collaborator with Heart@Work.

Dr John Wood

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John is an astute and experienced facilitator of leadership with specific expertise in creating change through enhancing present moment mind and body awareness. He is a psychologist, executive coach and leadership facilitator who has been working in corporate and not for profit sectors for over 40 years. His personal passion is the connection between personal growth and leadership effectiveness, and he has a PhD in researching the qualities and developmental experiences of successful CEOs.


  • Bachelor of Arts
  • Diploma in Applied Psychology
  • Doctorate (PhD)
  • Registered Psychologist

Heart@Work’s Beliefs

How we think is just as important as what we know.


We believe everyone has the potential for growth - and our collective growth is the key to unlocking a better future.



We believe that leaders who embody a balance of power and love can lead us toward a better future.



We believe that individuals are capable of great things, but as a collective we can create something greater.



We believe we are all interconnected and seek to honour and work with the whole person, team, and organisation.



We believe it is possible to hold multiple perspectives at any moment, which opens the door to peace and endless possibilities.


This is Heart@Work

I engaged Kristy from Heart@Work, who collaborated with me using the Growth Edge Interview process. There were pivotal moments in the process where questions really seemed to interrupt my thinking, and shine a new light on issues or possibilities. I enjoyed that the process was incredibly collaborative, open, and safe. I’d recommend this to those eager to explore future possibilities for growth, and to understand what might be holding them back.
— Rebelle Moriarty, Founder & Principal, Rebel Minded

Do you need a leadership coach? 


Adelaide’s Organisational Psychologist Kristy Carter and her colleagues at Heart@Work can develop senior leaders in ways that both extends their leadership capabilities and expands the ways in which they make sense of the world around them.

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Do you need a team transformation? 

Heart@Work has extensive experience using integral psychology to coach leadership teams. Our coaching programs build agile leadership skills and improve motivation in the workplace. Our clients experience transformational leadership that revolutionises their business.