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Understand your Self. Unlock your Compassion. Unleash your Potential.
Kristy facilitating a workshop with an organisation in Adelaide

Unlock your leadership potential.

Are you looking to create something extraordinary - for yourself, for your business, and for our planet? 

Heart@Work can help you cultivate a positive and productive culture.


Change can be hard.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone could help

  • Transform my team

  • Create a positive workplace culture

  • Improve employee wellbeing

  • Increase performance & productivity


Let Heart@Work take you and your organisation on a journey of transformation at the personal, interpersonal, leadership, and organisational level. Together, we can discover new perspectives. New ways to listen and new ways to learn. 

But more than that, we can discover new ways to be.

Let us help you find your heart@work.

Kristy Carter, Organisational Psychologist, Leadership Coach, & Founder of Heart@Work, a business that helps transform leaders and company cultures.

Meet Kristy Carter

Kristy Carter is the founder of Heart@Work, and is passionate about helping businesses and people connect with their hearts at work. 

As an Organisational Psychologist, Kristy knows that heart is the key to creating lasting and productive changes in people and organisations. Guided by integral psychology and vertical development practices, Kristy knows that heart at work can help us face our toughest challenges.

There’s been a huge shift in our Trustee group. Historically external people have struggled to make an impact. You are most definitely an exception to the rule. You have been so impressive in how you’ve gone about your work. I’ve enjoyed the sessions immensely.

Jamie Hughes, Director of Finance & Systems, Animals Australia


 Heart@Work offers the following professional services: 


  • Organisational change management consulting

  • Business coaching and leadership development

  • Team building and group coaching

  • Recruitment, selection advice, and consulting

  • Strategic planning consulting

  • Objective third-party facilitation services

  • Business evolution and transformational leadership consulting


Our complex world needs extraordinary leaders. 

As our world faces increasingly complex challenges, we need leaders with compassion and a vision for a better future. We need leaders who are willing to grow and evolve. We need leaders who are ready to lead with their heart.

Extraordinary leaders are often the result of integrated horizontal and vertical development. Heart@Work can help you develop as a leader - mastering both the internal and external facets of leadership. Are you ready?

Heart@Work is here to help you unlock your leadership potential.

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Are you looking for a business coach? 

Adelaide based Heart@Work provides transformational leadership development for senior leaders. 

Heart@Work uses integrative psychology and vertical development processes to equip you with the insights you need to thrive as a leader. We need to be ready to face the ever-increasing challenges presented by a complex and changing world. Our coaching programs equip your team to respond to dynamic challenges with agility, positivity and compassion. 


Organisational transformation and team leadership can be challenging work.

Heart@Work builds upon existing strengths and helps you discover developmental opportunities.

Staff development and training is tailored to the needs of your individual team members and your organisation’s objectives. 360-degree assessments are a useful tool for the individual and the organisation.

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Heart@Work uses the Leadership Circle Profile to measure both horizontal and vertical dimensions of leadership. Horizontal leadership assessments consider the external skills and competencies of leaders. Vertical assessments evaluate the internal mindset and consciousness of a leader.

We explore opportunities for growth for each team member. Then we can implement strategies that focus on the areas where change could be most beneficial, and importantly, to retain what’s working well.

Heart@Work has years of experience using integral psychology to coach leaders to understand themselves and their teams. Leaders will discover new ways to think, be and act, experiencing personal and organisational transformation that opens their heart@work.

Methodology tools that Heart@Work uses to transform organisations. Growth Edge Coaching, The Leadership Circle, Voice Project, Hogan Assessment Systems.

Well-being + productivity can co-exist in a positive workplace culture. 


Heart@work can show you how. 

Heart@Work can guide your leadership team through self assessments, 360-degree feedback and subject-object interviews. When combined with coaching, these allow us to see through so much of the conflict and misunderstanding within ourselves, in our team, and even in the world. 

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Team assessments can help evaluate a team’s strength, effectiveness and culture. Heart@Work can help your team identify the patterns of limiting thinking and unconscious triggers that are holding them back.

These experiences give people insight and new perspectives that improve relationships in the workplace. Your team can develop effective communication skills and improve motivation and productivity at work.

Heart@Work operates alongside your team to build well-being and resilience. Using heart@work allows us to view others with compassion and empathy, and builds interpersonal skills in ways that help to resolve complex situations.

Co-workers collaborating in a conference room.

Finding the right fit: Beyond CVs and interviews

Organisations often rely exclusively on technical competence when recruiting for leadership positions. But we know that extraordinary leadership is just as much about who you are as it is about what you know.

Heart@Work use a range of psychometric assessments and psychological evaluations to guide you towards the best recruit for your leadership team. These highlight the internal, unseen aspects that make us who we are. It is these qualities that can help maintain (or create) a positive workplace culture and ensure applicants are suitable for the leadership role ahead. 



At Heart@Work, we work holistically. 

We look beyond what just shows up on the outside. We look to the heart of the issue; the core of the person; the centre of the organisation. We see the person as a whole, the team as a whole, the organisation as a whole, and the global collective of humanity as a whole.

Leaders can transform themselves, and in doing so, can transform those around them, their organisation, and our planet. We need to evolve and grow in order to meet the complex challenges that face us - not just in our work life, but on a personal and a global level. Each person, and every organisation has an impact on the planet we live on, the people we know, and the spaces we inhabit. 


We each have a choice to make (corporately and as individuals):

  • Will I make a positive contribution?

  • Will I add value?

  • Will I be of service?

  • Will I help?


Let us help you and your team today.
